
Throughout the semester, I have taken four courses. The course this portfolio is for is Freshman Composition English 11000. At the beginning of the semester, I was afraid of not being able to write like a “college student”. Coming straight out of high school I had some experience with writing but I wasn’t sure if my writing skills were good enough, after this class my writing skills were sharpened and I have learned new tips that I am sure will help me for the rest of my academic career. The three-course learning outcomes I chose are Compose texts that integrate your stance with appropriate sources using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation, Engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes, and Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations. These three-course learning outcomes have allowed me to become a better writer and I am glad I learned how to use them. In the essays, I’ve completed for this class I have used those three things which allowed me to get my claims across. Composing texts allowed me to find sources that connected with my claims/ideas in ways that made writing my pieces easier. Engaging in collaborative and social aspects allowed me to get an outside point of view of my assignments and allowed me to get constructive criticism from my peers. One thing about me, if I am writing about anything it has to be a topic I am interested in or I won’t give it my all. Being able to explore and analyze topics with multiple different genres allowed me to explore my talent as a writer and further deepen my interest in social issues. To describe how these three learning outcomes I would use the word “meaningful”, I use this word because those strategies have allowed my writing to have a deeper meaning. You can find examples of this throughout each assignment I have completed, from the first essay to the last.